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Original Music and Photos by Vicki Logan

Spirit Wolf - Dedicated to Mission Wolf


Mission: Wolf is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational wolf sanctuary in the remote Colorado mountains. We focus on sustainability, operate on solar power, and build with recycled materials. Our community of volunteers from around the world invites you to visit us any day of the year or see our travelling ambassador wolf outreach program nationwide.


Donate to Mission: Wolf HERE.

Assinwati - Rocky Mountains


The Rocky Mountains are a spectacular part of the United States.  They stretch some 3,000 miles from British Columbia and Alberta in Canada through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and down to New Mexico in the U.S. The range offers dramatic wilderness, diverse wildlife and alpine lakes. Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park is traversed by numerous hiking trails and the famously scenic Trail Ridge Road, a 48-mile highway that reaches a high point of 12,183ft.   The photos here are mainly the Buena Vista and Colorado Springs areas, Woodland Park, Pine and Monument.



Anishinaabe's Gichiami - Lake Superior


According to some sources the actual Ojibwe name is Ojibwe Gichiami ("Ojibwe's Great Sea") or Anishinaabe Gichiami ("Anishinaabe's Great Sea").  The 1878 dictionary by Father Frederic Baraga, the first one written for the Ojibway language, gives the Ojibwe name as Otchipwe-kitchi-gami (reflecting Ojibwe Gichiami).  The first French explorers approaching the great inland sea by way of the Ottawa River and Lake Huron during the 17th century referred to their discovery as le lac supérieur. Properly translated, means "Upper Lake;" the lake above Lake Huron. The British anglicized the lake's name to Superior, on account of its being superior in magnitude to any of the lakes on that vast continent.  The photos here are of the coastline between Marquette and Munising, MI.



The Ride


The 2nd Annual Rodeo All-Stars event in Denver, CO on April 19, 2014.  Seemed appropriate for her music entitled THE RIDE from the album of the same title.  Enjoy!!



© 2025 Vicki Logan/Carvic, Inc.  -  Mailing address; 7696 Pleasantview Road, Levering MI  49755

All purchases through this website will see Vicki Logan/Carvic, Inc. on their order.

 All content is original work by Vicki Logan.

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